Showing all 2 results

  • Jolen Cream 1oz

    About the product
    • Lightens dark hair
    • Easy to apply

    Product details

    • Product Dimensions: 4 x 5 x 6 inches
  • Jolen Creme Bleach

    Creme Bleach Lightens Excess dark hair

    The simplest and safest way for woman to not only lighten their excess dark hair but also give fairness to the skin and complexion to make it fairer. Nourishes ad moisturizes your skin to give you that smooth and silky feeling. Why settle for less when we have the best for you.

    • Camouflages facial hair
    • Quick & Co Convenient
    • Suitable for all types of skin
    • Mid formula with Aloe Vera 1oz
    • Affordable price